



In 2015, the University of Bihać was accredited by the state Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance for the first time. The quality of performance at the University of Bihać was confirmed in the process of institutional (re)accreditation in 2020 as well. As quality assurance is an ongoing activity at the University, the next cycle of institutional (re)accreditation is scheduled for 2025.

The procedure of self-evaluation and evaluation of the study programmes at the University has been entirely conducted in accordance with: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Decision on the Criteria for Accreditaton of Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovine, existing laws, Statute of the University of Bihać and Rules for Quality Assurance at the University of Bihać.