University Strategy

University Strategy



Aware of the political, economic and social dynamics of the environment where it operates and taking into account developments in its surroundings, the University of Bihać is considering its present and future through the documents of strategic planning. Over the past several years, the University has produced two guiding framework documents listing areas that require focus and a detailed action plan on how to reach desired objectives. The documents are: a) Strategic Development of the University of Bihać 2017–2022; b) The Internalisation Strategy of the University of Bihać 2018–2023 – and they are produced in consultations with all higher education stakeholders in the Una-Sana Canton. 

It is useful to state that these two documents follow the continuity of the strategic development outlined in 2011, in the document Strategic Development Plan of the University of Bihać for the period 2011–2015.

The University bases its Strategy on six clearly defined goals: 

  1. Teaching and syllabuses,
  2. Scientific research work and international cooperation,
  3. Resources,
  4. Student support,
  5. Higher education and labour market,
  6. University’s Institute.

The list of strategic goals in terms of the need for internationalization:

  1. Raising awareness of the importance of internationalization and internal promotion of internationalization,,
  2. Strengthening of the University’s institutional capacity for internationalization,
  3. Promoting the University and increasing the University’s visibility,
  4. Improving the existing and opening new study programmes,
  5. Promoting and increasing both incoming and outgoing mobility,
  6. Increasing the number of foreign students at the University of Bihać.