Bachelor of Islamic Education


Content and Qualifications 
The main goal of this study programme is to educate and train students for carrying out the work of Islamic education teachers in primary and secondary schools. Through this study programme, students have the opportunity to study subjects which are, with their contents and syllabi, pointing out the fundamental dimensions, principles and teachings of Islam. There are also subjects from the fields of pedagogy and psychology as well as foreign languages. 

Expected Competencies
After finishing this study programme students are qualified and enabled for the field of Islamic education and they are acquainted with the most advanced accomplishments in the field of Islamic education. They are able to apply detailed knowledge and critical understanding of Islamic education principles. They have the ability to communicate using communication technologies and the knowledge of at least one or more foreign languages (having in mind specifically the importance of Arabic – the language of Qur’an and Islamic studies). They have the ability to communicate to both audiences specialized and not specialized in the field of Islamic education. They are able to collect and analyse relevant data (within the field of Islamic education) based on which they can form opinions on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues, and they are capable of professional work in intercultural and inclusive environment.

Contact details
Address: Islamski pedagoški fakultet, UNBI, Žegarska aleja bb, 77000 Bihać
Head of Department: Izet Terzić, PhD
Phone: 037220162